Court Booking Details
Badminton, Table Tennis Booking
You do not have to be a member to make any booking. If you are not a member you could make a casual online booking or walk-in to make a booking if courts are available.
How to book casually or as a Member
Walk-In booking
$30/hr(peak times) or 13/hr (off peak times).
You can walk-in and book. Walk-In rate applies & courts availability is not guaranteed.
Casual advance booking (Staff assisted) / Guest Booking
$30/hr(peak times) or 13/hr (off peak times).
You will fill online form and Pay
Courts are guaranteed.
Book online and pay at the link below
Casual advance online booking (Staff assisted) or
On the home page click "Do in Online/Casual court booking online .
Guest direct booking online and at the Kiosk will be available anytime in the future.
Associate MembershipInitial Setup fee $15 and $50 Refundable deposit initial top up credit are required.
$28/hr(peak times) or 12/hr (off peak times).
You will be provided with on-line access to pay online & play as & when.
Check court availability anytime and do instant booking upto ( 6 half hr blocks) 3hrs on 1 court or upto 3 courts
You or your friends can turn up and play as the lights will be automatic.
You will be required to use Non-Marking shoes and leave no shoe marks on court after playing. If you forget to check at the beginning or end and marks were reported by the folloing group $ 30 will be dedutted from your refundable deposit and account will go on hold untill paid.
When you close account, can claim the refundable deposit within 6 months.
If an account holder is not present without any notification to the office the account will be suspended.
Open account here
Full Membership
33% discount on booking fee
$20/hr(peak times) or $9.5/hr (off peak times).
Open account or upgrade the associate membership.
Annual subscription : $190, Setup fee : $15, Refundable deposit: $50, Total $255
No Starting credit or top up credit is required .
You will be provided with Account Number & Password.
Check court availability anytime and do instant booking upto ( 6 half hr blocks) 3hrs on 1 court or upto 3 courts, pay online and play as & when.
You or your friends can turn up and play as the lights will be automatic.
You will be required to use Non-Marking shoes and leave no shoe marks on court after playing. If you forget to check at the beginning or end and marks were reported by the folloing group $ 30 will be deduted from your refundable deposit and account will go on hold untill paid.
When you close account, can claim the refundable deposit within 6 months.
If an account holder is not present without any notification to the office the account will be suspended.
Open account here
Group Membership
33% discount on booking fee
$20/hr(peak times) or $9.5/hr (off peak times).
No Starting credit or top up credit is required .
You will be provided with Account Number & Password.
You will be able to book same as full Membership 1 - 3 corts for 3 hrs max.
All weekly regular court bookings will be done via the office e mail.
Courts will be allocated to all groups with equal fairness
All Group booking cancellation time is 1 week and needs to be done via e mail. Vouchers or rebooking will be done for eligible cancellations
You or your friends can turn up and play as the lights will be automatic.
You will be required to use Non-Marking shoes and leave no shoe marks on court after playing. If you forget to check at the beginning or end and marks were reported by the folloing group $ 30 will be deduted from your refundable deposit and account will go on hold untill paid.
When you close account, can claim the refundable deposit within 6 months.
If an account holder is not present without any notification to the office the account will be suspended.
Initial cost: Annual subscription, Setup fee: $15 Refundable deposit: $50,
Annual Subscription : Number of court required * 190
Club Member court booking
If you are full year member of Senior, Junior or Midweek clubs your annual subscription for the court membership is FREE. You can apply for Full Membership with initial setup fee $15 and refundable deposit $50.
Club member/Account holder must be presentIf on court and if member is not present casual rate will apply. Breach will result in account suspension.
33% discount on booking fee
$20/hr(peak times) or $9.5/hr (off peak times).
- Coach booking
If you do coaching for "free" or charging players for the service or using the courts for anything other than ordinary playing, you are required to have a coaching account or approval from the management.
Annual Subscription : $800/year. Other initial costs apply.
Booking 33% discount on booking fee
$20/hr(peak times) or $9.5/hr (off peak times).
Exceptions: Parents/Sibling teaching children or sibling. Anyone bringing in a box/tubes of shuttles, multi-feeding, will be treated as a "coach"
When making Member Booking online You may see an instant message saying "Successfully booked". Please disregard this message completely as this is not actual confirmation. Refresh the computer or log off/on and check on the booking chart to check if the booking has gone through successfully. If in doubt feel free to call the centre and double check rather than turning up to find no courts were available |
Anyone playing on the court without Non-Marking badminton Indoor shoes approved/advertised on Notice boards will be liable to pay $60 special cleaning fee or required to do self cleaning within 24hrs. Avoid wearing any shoes which can be questioned by anyone (Though it may not make marks or damage the courts) |
Court booking rates:
Details | Peak Time | Off Peak Time |
Walk – In/Guest Booking | $30/hr | $13/hr |
Casual online (Staff assisted) | $30/hr | $13/hr |
Associate Membership | $28/hr | $12/hr |
Full & Group Membership | $20/hr | $9.5/hr |
Table Tennis: Pk time $16/hr, Off pk $12/hr ( 7 players max per court)
Badminton Centre /Office opening hours
Admin Office hours: 9AM – 5.00 PM Mon – Friday
Courts playing Hours
7 AM – 12 Midnight 7 days 365 days
Equipment Hire/Purchase Rates:
Equipment hire is available only when the shop is open and equipment is available.
Social racquets hire: $3 / booking
Competitive racquets hire: $6 / booking
Racquet purchase: $29 – $379
Shoes (Limited sizes only): $5 / booking
Shoes Purchase: $69 – $249
Shuttles Used: Free
Shuttles Used purchase (good condition): $2
Shuttle New purchase: $5/shuttle
Shuttle tube purchase (used good condition): $22
Shuttle tubes New: $37 – $69
You get special rates & facilities if you have a court membership
This is intended for regular players to book courts at cheaper rates and manage their own booking.
Membership facilities
Discount on court hire rate.
Online booking facility.
Able to book 2 weeks in advance
Able to upgrade accounts any time to book more courts
Who can apply:
Court membership accounts are provided to those who are able to do all aspects of play by themselves independently such as online booking, understand and follow all rules from website/noticeboards/enrollment forms and take responsibility of the facility during their play. Customer service or staff are not available at the time of play and all issues & support needs to be handled with the office via e mail/phone during office hours. If you have any unexpected issue with your membership , you may be able to book casual court from the staff/proshop and sort out your membership issues with the office during office hours.
In summary, if you have a membership you and your players should be able to book in advance and play without any assistance or involvement from any staff.
On the other hand, having received a court account, if you require support from proshop or any staff during play, need to discuss or clarify things or rules at the court or from proshop your account will be withdrawn or put on hold until you meet a staff during office hours and clarify all requirements.
Types of Court Membership
All accounts are personal accounts of accounts and players have no part in the account or should enter the facility only if invited by the account holder.
Account holders must limit the number of players based on the courts booked 7/court.
Associate Membership: $15/year
Full Membership : $190/year
Group Membership : $190 * number of courts /year
Club Court Membership : FREE If you have 1 year club play membership
Cost associated with setting up/Renewal of accounts
Refundable security deposit: $50
Set up admin fee: $15
Junior Badminton Academy court membership:
Card is provided only to Parents of Junior Badminton Academy club full year members who want to play regularly (minimum monthly) outside club hours with the Junior club member.
One parent or adult family member must be present. When you stop playing regularly you can close the account and claim the $50 security deposit.
Free yearly subscription + setup fee $15 + $50 Refundable security deposit.
Senior/Midweek club court membership:
Account is provided only to full year members who want to play regularly (minimum monthly) outside club hours with their family and friends. When you stop playing regularly you can close the account and claim the $50 security deposit.
Free yearly subscription + setup fee $15 + $50 Refundable security deposit
Customer Service to Court account holders
Admin service is available during office hours only Mon – Fri, 9 – 5 PM
Support will be provided via e mail/phone or in person when you make an appointment to meet someone.
All support via phone/e-mail/in person will be provided to account holders only and not to any group players or anyone on their behalf.
Admin service may not be available/guaranteed to people who walk in randomly re card issues.
Any proshop staff or coach or anyone from the office will not have access or able to provide assistance for card related admin issues outside office hours.
Please don't approach anyone for admin services in the proshop or anywhere in the facility or while on court or other duties.
All group players must talk to their account holder re any issue/clarifications and no one at the center is authorised to discuss/clarify/provide any info to anyone other than account holder.
How to become a member and How long will take to process.
Step 1: Fill up membership form & pay the membership fee.
Visit the office (a 5-minute process) or do it online. Pay by direct credit or by credit card.
From the time application is submitted with all details, correct amount of payment is made, generally it can be done on the same day or next business day.
An e-mail with all account details will be sent together with access details.
Court booking Cancellation policy
Cancellation can be done only by account holder and staff will not get involved at all in any cancellations. Credit vouchers will be provided for eligible cancellations. For a voucher or re booking you must cancel 24 hrs before the booked playing time in the case of Associate/Full membership and 1 week for group membership. The process is fully automatic and if you did not receive refund/credit voucher from the system, please keep all records and e mail within 3 days of cancellation.
Terms & Conditions of use
Membership Refund policy: Refundable within 30 days for change of mind or submission of a medical certificate in case of injury or condition prohibiting to play sport. In which case casual fee will be charged for the courts used and balance from membership fee (if any) will be refunded. Otherwise membership or membership fee is non-refundable or transferable.
The management reserves the right to accept or approve membership subject to the center policies. Full Refund will be given if the membership cannot be accepted for any reason.
Account holders can bring any players up to 7/court including visitors and children.
Account holder may book court for his group and be in-charge of all players personally. In case the account holder is not able to be present he must assign someone to be in-charge temperorily until his arrival for the group during play. Make pre arrangement with the office if you have any exceptional situation or away for a while. However account holder is responsible for everything. All dealings with the staff must be done strictly via the account holder only.
Number of players/court and any play without light ON or any misuse of the facility will be strictly monitored. Warnings are at times provided by flashing court lights. Generally the court lights will be switched off during such misuse of courts.
All accounts and bookings must be for the purpose of playing the game unless its a coaching card or prearranged with the management.
Any members or account holders or visitors are prohibited from carrying out any business such as selling or promoting any badminton gears including shuttles, Racquets, bags, clothes, shoes, stringing service, unauthorized coaching etc within the badminton center or car park.
Players and account holders are allowed to bring only badminton bag with playing gears and shuttles only. No special equipment or box of loose shuttles or bulk quantity of shuttle tubes or equipment are not permitted without permission..
No items such as bicycles, scooters, skating shoes or boards or anything similar are not allowed inside the facility.
The account holder must ensure that all players strictly use Non-Marking badminton shoes on the court.
The account holder must ensure that no one plays on any Un-Lit courts or courts booked by other players.
The account holder must ensure no disturbance to the adjacent court’s game by controlling traffic & noise level.
Any issues related to accounts must be informed to the office within 3 days during office hours after the use of courts.
The account holder is fully and personally responsible to ensure that all the NZBC rules and regulations as & when published on notice boards and website are followed by all players & visitors of the account holder.
Courts may not be available in situations beyond control such as power failures, extreme weather conditions or natural disasters.
Account holder gives consent to receive court booking confirmations, reminders and program updates & news by email.
Members or visitors give consent to display photos & videos where they may be part of a group or club session/training or their achievement may be highlighted & displayed on notice boards and website for the development & promotion of the sport.
Members will in no way hold NZBC clubs or the management responsible for any injury or mishap that may occur in the course of play at the badminton center accidentally or due to any adverse weather conditions. Members must report to the office prior to starting to play if they found any unsafe condition. If a remedy is not available court fee will be refunded.
Any regular booking during center club sessions requires special permission. Centre programs take priority over all Private bookings and if a booked court is not available due to any unexpected situation/tournaments or any other center program/function sufficient notice will be given and booking charges will be refunded.
Account holders take full responsibility for everyone playing under their account re any damages to the property of the center, personal injuries, and following the center rules.
The account holder will personally pay for all the damages done accidentally or willfully by the account holder or any of his/her visitors or players played under their account. account holder authorizes for the center to charge his/her account for any items purchased from the center/pro shop or any payment owing to the center. The account holder is liable to pay for all outstanding payments together with collection/legal fees if any.
Casual accounts must be active with a balance fund in it. Casual accounts not used for 6 months will be closed. Balance in any casual account will be kept for a maximum of 6 months after the account is closed and there will not be any refunds available after the account is closed.
All expired member accounts will be closed after 6 months of the expiry date. Any balance in any expired accounts must be claimed within 6 months of expiry by returning the lighting card. $15 will be deducted if the lighting card is lost. No refund or details will be available after the account is closed.
Account holder takes full responsibility of all his players and himself for any injury or mishap that may occur in the course of play at the badminton center accidentally or due to any adverse weather conditions and will in no way hold NZBC or the management responsible.
Account holder takes full responsibility for everyone playing on the court regarding any damages to the property of the center done accidentally or willfully by the account holder or any of his/her visitors.
The account will be put on hold when the above rules are violated and the account holder needs to visit the office to reactivate after rectifying or sorting out the concerns/issues.
The account holder agrees that the account will be cancelled without any refund of subscription in the event of a breach of the above terms or the center rules. Balance in the account can be still claimed by returning the lighting card within 6 months of account termination.
Non-active expired accounts will be closed permanently without any refund after 6 months of expiry.
Renewal can be at the office or online for all type of accounts by paying the appropriate subscription.
Lighting cards must be returned to office when the account is expired or when closing the account to claim the balance in the account and the refundable security deposit.
Terms & rates are subject to review by the management without notice.