July 2024 Holiday program Early Bird entry open.
Click here to enroll online
All levels from "never played before " to open tournament level. Age 6 - 16. Age 5.5+ and 16+ will be handled case by case.
Please note the dates (Week 1: 5 days, Week 2: 5 days
Session1 Week 1 Morning 9.00 - 11.30AM 8/7/2024 - 12/7/2024
Session 2 Week 1 Afternoon 1.00 - 3.30 PM 8/7/2024 - 12/7/2024
Session 3 Week 2 Morning 9.00 - 11.30AM 15/7/2024 - 19/7/2024
Session 4 Week 2 Afternoon 1.00 - 3.30 PM 15/7/2024 - 19/7/2024
Early Bird price
$95/session (Week 1 morning or afternoon ) $25/casual session.
Early bird price expires on 30/6/2024 10 PM.
Normal price after Early bird registration period
$110/session (Week 1 morning or afternoon ) $30/casual session.
Walk in casual session $35/session
Free spot allocated to those who qualify for Free spot of 1 week (morning or afternoon) on a first come first basis.
New full year academy members enrolled in Term 2 2024.
Top 3 ranks in any of the academy sessions doing all 4 sessions in 2 weeks.
These sessions have been very popular, and we ask parents to plan early and take advantage of the early bird price. Age 6 and under may need to provide evidence of the age.
Punctuality, code of conduct/behavior, learning aptitude are requirements.
Click here to enroll online